Automatically add users or all users with a role into a Discord private thread

Mava is designed for your team to manage and track all of your tickets across multiple platforms from one dashboard.

As a Discord admin, you will be able to see private threads created with each new ticket by hovering over the ticket channel with your curser. You can then click into any of the private threads to see more details.

If you want to automatically add a Discord User or a group of users with the same Role, you can do this within the Chatbot Builder section of Mava.

To add a user, first copy their User ID in Discord by right clicking on the user and selecting ‘Copy ID’ from the list.

Back in the Mava dashboard under Settings > Bot Setup you can then add this User ID within any message section in the following format:<@USER_ID>

If you don’t include the <@ > then the user ID will not be picked up correctly by Discord.

Within Mava the correct format for adding a User would look like this:

If you want to add a role, you can follow the same process, but you need to format it as follows:


If you would like to link a channel or add emojis you can use the following formats:


Required Format



User Nickname






Custom Emoji


Custom Emoji (Animated)


Last updated