Going Live Checklist

Now that you've set everything up, you're ready to go live.

Here's a quick checklist of things to do before going live:

Check your team page, to ensure all relevant team members have accepted their invite. Ensure the team is up-to-speed with Mava and aware of launch date.

Create test tickets in the live channels on all your platforms. Use a non-admin account in Discord to ensure it mimics the experience of regular users and all permissions are set correctly. Check that the chatbot and AI are working as expected, messages are coming through and notifications are sent.

We suggest informing your users that you've partnered with Mava. This is particularly important in the web3 & crypto space, where users are mindful about security. It's useful for them to be aware that Mava is your official support platform.

Mava Brand Assets: Google Drive Folder.

Example Announcement Discord:

Hey @everyone,

At [company] we're committed to providing you with the best user experience possible. That's why we've partnered with Mava to enhance and streamline our customer support.

Getting support is easier than ever. If you have any general questions, our AI bot is ready help you in <channels where you've given public AI access>. Mention @mava to get an instant response.

If you have any questions that you need to speak with our team about privately, simply head to <channel>, and press the <start> button to open a ticket. Our team members will be right there to assist you.

Example Announcements X:

Say hello to our new support system, powered by @mava_app [company] users can now access instant AI support or contact our team securely and privately through [your channels].


We've now partnered with @mava_app for customer support on [channels].

This new bot will be the bridge to connect you with our team whenever you have questions.

Telegram: [link] Discord: [channel link] Website: website.com/?support

Last updated