Email Setup

You can now manage email support from your Mava dashboard using your existing support email address.

Mava supports email forwarding but does not currently support fully custom email domains.

When your team respond from Mava the email address your user will see will include their ticket number followed by

Getting started

  1. Navigate to the Integrations page within Settings and select the ‘View & Edit’ button on the email integration option.

You'll see three sections when you enter the email configuration page:

  • Customize your team’s support email address

  • Auto-response email

  • Set up email forwarding

Let's talk through each one.

  1. Customize your team’s support email address

This is the support email that all emails your team sends from Mava to your users will come from. You can customize the first half, but we don't currently support custom email domains.

We suggest adding something like 'ExampleCompanySupport'.

You can test sending an email to the address to confirm the setup.

  1. Auto-response email

Once you enable this, the first email a user sends to your team will trigger an auto-response.

This is designed to provide useful infomation to your users and also manage their expectations around your team's response time. For example you could include a link to your FAQs and let them know your team will aim to respond within X hours/days.

Email Forwarding

Set up email forwarding

To enable using a custom email address, such as, you will need to set up email Routing in GSuite. (Please contact us if using other email providers). Head to your Admin Panel > Google Workspace > Settings for Gmail > Default Routing 1. Press "Add another rule" 2. Add your support email in "Email Address". Note: This can be an existing address, or you can also fill out a new address, you do not have to separately create the new address anywhere in GSuite.

3. Add the email address from your Mava Account

If the GSuite address does not yet exist as a support email, add it in "Change Envelope Recipient"

If the address already exists as a support email, add the Mava email in "Add more recipients"

  1. Enter your custom support email address in the Email Integration page, and verify the address.

  1. Check the Mava Dashboard for your confirmation email, click or copy / paste the verification link.

Last updated