Personal Notifications

Personal notifications are highly customizable and can be recieved via your browser and email. You can configure personal notifications here under the account settings section within Mava.

Once you’re in this section you’ll be able to decide where you want to receive notifications (Desktop and/or email), as well as, when you should be notified. You can check or uncheck each option according to your preferences.

Please note: email notifications won’t be sent if you have an active browser session.

If you’d like to receive notifications on a different platform or for different events please reach out to the Mava team.

Troubleshooting: can’t get browser notifications working?

  1. Make sure you have granted permission within your browser to allow Mava to send push notifications

  2. Make sure your system settings on Mac/Windows allow the browser you’re using to send notifications. You’ll normally need to manually enable this within notification settings on your computer.

  3. Once you’re all set, press the ‘Send test desktop notification’ and see if it works.. if all else fails please reach out to the Mava team for help