Ticket Status

In this guide we’ll explain the five different types of ticket status.

What does each ticket status mean?

Open = this is the default status for any new ticket

Waiting = waiting on the customer for more information

Pending = issue needs more internal investigation or is pending on something internal e.g. a bug fix before going back to the user

Resolved = ticket is finished and user no longer needs help

Spam = ticket is from a spammer or scammer

How to optimize your workflow with ticket status

Tip 1: make sure everyone on your team uses ticket statuses consistently

All new tickets created by users will default to being in the Open status. Once you’ve responded to the user, you have a number of options:

  1. Issue is solved and user needs not more help. If you’re sure the issue is resolved, you can immediately update the ticket status to ‘Resolved’. If the user needs more help, they will be able to create a new ticket later.

  2. If you need more information from a user we recommend updating the ticket status to ‘Waiting’. As soon as the user replies with a new message, the ticket will move back to ‘Open’ status automatically.

  3. If you’re unable to resolve the ticket without help from other members of your team or if for example you need to wait for a bug to be fix, then we recommend updating the ticket status to ‘Pending’. If your users writes a new message when a ticket is in ‘Pending’ status, then it will automatically move back to the ‘Open’ status.

Tip 2: set up custom views

Once everyone on your team is using ticket statuses we suggest creating custom views to help manage your inbox.

Everyone on the team will be able to create their own views, and we suggest they create views for different tickets statuses. For example they could have a view with all of their open tickets, all of their pending tickets and all of their waiting tickets.

If you’re managing a team, it can also be really helpful to keep a view of all of your teams pending tickets, to ensure outstanding issues are being resolved in a timely manner.