Discord Public Channel AI Setup

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Step 1: Connect your Discord & upload AI content

Before you can activate the public channel AI bot in Discord, complete these actions:

  1. Add at least one source to your AI knowledge base.

  2. Fill out your company name and description in your AI Settings

Step 2: Decide which public channel(s) Mava AI should respond in and set the correct Discord channel permissions

Mava's public Discord channel AI can operate in one more multiple Discord channels at once. When you've decided which channel(s) you want Mava AI to respond in, you will need to update the channel permissions in Discord for each channel you want it to operate in.

Mava AI will need the following permissions:

(Please note: Mava's public Discord channel AI requires different permissions compared with Mava's Discord ticketing bot).

To configure the channel permissions:

  1. Right click on the channel(s) you want the Mava public channel AI to respond in and select 'Edit channel'

  1. Select the ‘Permissions’ option from the top left menu.

  1. Find the Mava Bot Member (with the coloured Mava logo) from in the ‘Roles/Members’ section and click on it.

Once you have clicked on the ‘Mava’ role, you will be able to update the Permissions, under the ‘General Channel Permissions’ header. Double check it has all the correct permissions enabled:

Save your changes after you've granted it those 5 permissions. If you want Mava public channel AI to operate in multiple public channels in your Discord, you can grant these permissions in more than one channel.

Step 3: turn on Mava's public channel Discord AI

Go to the AI settings page within Mava and turn on the 'Public channel AI assistant option.

Step 4: Test the bot

You're now ready to check the bot is set up correctly.

Within the Discord channel(s) you want the bot to respond in tag the bot with an @ and ask it a question related to something you've uploaded within your AI knowledge base.

You won't have to @ mention the Mava bot each time, but the bot will always respond if it's mentioned so you can test if it's working.

If you're not getting a response and you've followed the steps above please reach out to Mava support.