Pricing FAQs

Support requests

What’s a support request?

One support request is counted as either one private ticket or one question answered by the Mava AI Bot in a public Discord channel. You can track the number of support requests you’ve used within the new Plans & Billing pages within Mava settings.

What happens if you exceed your monthly support request allowance?

If your team exceeds the monthly support request allowance on your plan:

  1. You won't be able to read or respond to any new tickets until you upgrade, however, users will still be able to open tickets.

  2. Public channel Discord AI will stop working

If a user opens a ticket and doesn’t write anything, does that count as a support request?

No. If a user opens a ticket but doesn’t write a message or press a button, it won’t be counted as a support request.

Do spam tickets count as support requests?

Yes. Currently, spam tickets will count towards your total monthly support request allowance.

Does it matter if I’m using AI or the bot setup in private tickets?

No. Both the bot setup and private ticket AI are included in all plans. Each ticket will count as one support request regardless of whether you’re using the bot setup or AI in private tickets.

Does each message in a ticket count as a support request?

No. You can send as many messages within a private ticket as you like; it will still only count as one support request.

Upgrades & Payment Methods

How do I upgrade?

Head to the Plans page within Mava and select your plan.

What payment methods do you accept?

Mava currently only accepts payments via debit or credit card. We process payments via Stripe.

In the near future we will also enable crypto payments, but for the time being, you’ll need to pay with a debit or credit card.

What happens if I forget to upgrade?

Rest assured, your Mava account will remain active and be on the Free plan. If your support volume exceeds the support request limit, new tickets will be hidden until you’ve upgraded your plan and the public AI bot will stop working. The first billing cycle starts September 5, 2023.

Can I carry over unused support requests to the next month?

Monthly Plans: Unused support requests won’t be carried over to a new billing cycle.

Yearly Plans: Unused support requests are carried over and will be valid until the end of the 12 month billing cycle.

When will you take payment?

If you’re currently on a Free plan and upgrading, your billing cycle will reset at the point of checkout. You’ll then be charged again, for the next month/year (monthly or annual plan) on the same date.

If you upgrade from a paid plan to another higher-tier paid plan, your billing cycle won’t reset. Instead you’ll pay a prorated price for the remainder of the month and also receive a prorated amount of support requests.

Where can I download invoices/receipts?

You can download invoices and receipts from the Billing page within Mava.


How do I downgrade or cancel my plan?

Please reach out to the Mava team to downgrade or cancel your plan.

When do downgrades take affect?

If you downgrade or cancel your subscription, you will remain on your current price plan until the end of your current billing cycle. You will be able to see your current billing cycle within the plans and billing pages.

Contact Mava

If you have any feedback, questions or concerns feel free to reach out to us via our Discord or chat support.

Last updated