Team Notifications

Team notifications let your whole team get a notification within either a Slack or Discord channel via a webhook.

Team notifications are customizable and let your team decide when you want to get a notification and where.

All team notifications include a link to the relevant ticket within the Mava dashboard and you also have the option of including the user's message(s) within the notification.

All notifications into Slack or Discord are batched and will arrive 2 minutes after the notification is recieved. We batch notifications to avoid your notification channel being overwhelmed with notifications all from the same ticket.

Here's an example notification within a Discord channel:

How to set up team notifications

To set up team notifications you’ll need to be a Mava ‘Admin’ (see team page).

  1. Open the Team Notifications page within settings and select whether you want to set up notifications in Slack or Discord.

  1. Create a webhook within Discord or Slack (see instruction guides below), depending on where you want your team to recieve notifications. You'll be able to select which channel you want to recieve your notifications within Discord/Slack at this point. TIP: We suggest creating a new channel for this e.g. 'Customer Support Notifications'

If you're not sure how to generate a webhook URL read the guides below:

  1. Once you've generated your webhook URL, paste it into the 'Webhook URL' field within Mava

  1. You will receive a test notification once this has saved to confirm the webhook is configured correctly

  2. Press the 'Enable notifications' button and activate the option of including user messages if you want this on

  1. Select what should trigger a notification for your team. TIP: recieving too many notifications options often results in them being ignored. Not including AI tickets or alerts for every new message can help.

Last updated